Top 5 Lifelong Benefits of Learning English | Meridian Blog

Top 5 Lifelong Benefits of Learning English Online for Children.

Author: Ren Cronje
Date: 06/06/2024

In today’s increasingly linked world, learning a second language is more than just learning to speak; it is an important tool that broadens young minds and offers up endless possibilities. Meridian School of English is deeply experienced in providing all 4 skills needed for mastering English. 

 If you’re wondering what the benefits are for children learning English, other than simply being able to speak and write in their new language, then this is for you. Let’s look at why teaching your child English online at Meridian is more than simply a learning experience.  

Top 5 Lifelong Benefits of Learning English Online for Children.

1. Boosts Cognitive Flexibility

Picture your child handling multiple tasks smoothly and adjusting quickly to new challenges. Learning English achieves just that—it improves cognitive flexibility.  

What are the benefits of learning a second language? As children move between languages, they stimulate various regions of their brain, improving their ability to switch tasks quickly. This mental agility benefits many aspects of life, from academics to creativity.

2. Enhances Problem-Solving Skills

Learning English brings us an entirely new view on the world, providing different cultural insights and methods of organising ideas.  

This experience broadens analytical abilities and develops young problem solvers. Your child will learn to approach challenges from different viewpoints, which is an important ability for any future job in today’s global world.

3. Improves Memory and Attention 

Did you know that bilingual children often outperform those who speak only one language in memory and attention tasks? According to A Bayesian analysis of 147 studies, managing two languages improves the brain’s executive functioning and increases working memory. This means your child will remember more knowledge and concentrate better, providing them with an advantage in any learning environment.

4. Delays Cognitive Decline

What are the benefits of being bilingual, you may ask? Well, bilingualism can provide long-term benefits. According to a SwissDEM study, multilingual people may experience cognitive decline years later than those who speak just one language. While this advantage may appear far away, it is encouraging to know that today’s education can help to a healthy mind later in life.

5. Increases Empathy and Cultural Sensitivity 

Learning a second language is about more than vocabulary and grammar–it’s about understanding cultural subtleties. This knowledge builds empathy and cultural awareness, allowing your child to understand and navigate the world’s huge diversity. These characteristics are crucial in building collaboration and understanding among diverse groups.

What Makes The Meridian School of English So Effective? 

At Meridian, we don’t just teach English; we ignite a passion for learning that lasts a lifetime. Our interactive and child-friendly methods make the learning process fun and engaging. Our experienced educators are dedicated to nurturing young minds with lessons that are both educational and captivating.

Embarking on this bilingual journey with your child sets them up for academic success and instills essential life skills that go beyond the classroom. It’s an adventure that expands their horizons and prepares them to excel in a globalized world.

Choose Meridian School of English and watch your child thrive in the world of English, today and tomorrow!


Five Lifelong Benefits of Learning English Online for Your Child.

If you’re wondering what the benefits are for children learning English, other than simply being able to speak and write in their new language, then this is for you. Let’s look at why teaching your child English online at Meridian is more than simply a learning experience.

Unlocking Your Child’s Potential to Learn English Together

How can parents help children learn English without overstepping? As a parent looking for an online English school for your child, knowing your role in their education, may make a big impact. Wondering how you may be engaged without being too annoying? It’s easier than you would imagine, here’s how to support your child.


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